Adding time to the duration of cardio and timed exercises again this week. Keep raising the bar.
Utilizing straight dropsets this week to increase the time under tension and squeeze the juice out of the target muscle group.
Supersets are employed to not only increase the intensity of the specific movements but also the overall efficiency of the workouts.
Bodyweight exercises are proof that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Used properly, they maximize the productivity of your training, while enhancing the mind/muscle connection.
Make it a goal to put down your phone and focus. Minimize rest time between straight sets and don’t hesitate at all during dropsets and supersets. Stay locked in.
Sunday Service remains on the menu for Day 42. Normalize putting in the extra work that most are not willing to do. Get in and get your squats done and get on with your rest and recovery. Because a Bonus Week 7 is on deck.