Long Live the KING
by G Diesel

The “test-booster” category has long been a controversial space in sports nutrition.

From pixie-dusted proprietary blends to designer prohormones, from empty promises to bottles full of bunk, consumer skepticism has long been warranted. We entered into the formulation of KING with similar consumer experiences. Personal feelings of disappointment, disillusionment and often downright deception that served as cautionary tales. Just as with our training, we advocate on behalf of simplicity, of hammering home the proven basics, relying on what works.

With a lifetime in the subculture as a drug-free athlete, I’ve tried it all to gain my edge in the gains game. Undergoing anecdotal trials of exotic herbs and raw ingredients, in perpetual hopes of unlocking options and strategies worth sharing.

Facing down the daunting, undefeated duo of Father Time and Mother Nature, even the most “alpha” of males experience a steady exponential yearly decline of natural testosterone production as we age, beginning as early as thirty years old. This life or death struggle is an unavoidable reality. But a war well-worth fighting.

In the name of staying ready (so you don’t have to “get ready”) we created KING as an ally in this eternal fight. A simple, straightforward and potent formulation,  KINGwas a product decades in development. A powerful combination of micronutrients and herbs, KING is a therapeutic modality in a bottle. A daily solution for male athletes determined to improve as we age.

KING’s foundation is that of three simple, tried-and-true, vitamins and minerals… Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin D3. Bloodwork suggests that the majority of Americans have deficiencies in these critical micronutrients, shortcomings acutely exacerbated by intense physical activity. The truth is, if you train hard and consistently, you will be almost certainly be low in blood serum levels of Zinc, Magnesium and D3… A stark reality that will dramatically sink your endogenous anabolic hormone production. Quite obviously, we can easily address this noteworthy health issue through balanced, healthy eating and regular supplementation. Taking KING ensures you will never again suffer the profound effects of such deficiencies.

Upon this fundamental foundation of three vitamins and minerals, is where KING continues to build. Enter the Test2K Matrix, named as such for its massive dosages of four of the most utilized, sought-after and highly-touted natural testosterone-augmenting herbs in existence. A whopping 600 milligrams each of Ashwagandha and Tribulus Terrestris, 500 milligrams of Fenugreek and 300 milligrams of Tongkat Ali (aka Longjack or Eurycoma Longifolia) comprise the 2K of natty test… Two whole grams of four powerful test-boosting herbs packed into every daily serving—storied in the studies with a trial-by-fire in the training trenches.

If it is on the label and in the bottle, it is there for a reason. We’ve tried it. We’ve tested it. We’ve guinea-pigged ourselves…We’ve read the rave reviews.

And it works.

Last but not least, KING includes another important blend of natural elements. Boron, a trace mineral, in the presence of elevated serum total testosterone levels (via the micronutrients and herbs featured in KING) helps to “unlock” bound testosterone, raising free testosterone in circulation, which is ultimately the only kind that matters. Finally, KING also includes another component intended to optimize the potency, utilization and uptake of the entire KING formula—Bioperine. Bipoerine is a patented extract of black pepper, prized for its proven ability to enhance nutrient absorption, ensuring that every valuable microgram of KING is used to the best of its ability, with nothing going to waste.

If you’re dedicated to your athletic goals and are disinterested in excuses… If you place a premium on peak performance… If you have noticed a dip in your strength, stamina and sex drive that you consider unacceptable… If you will not submit to the relentless will of time and age… If you believe the best days of your physical prime are yet to come… We created KING for you. A daily active male support formula intended for serious athletes who refuse to settle for anything less than their best. The updated, stronger-than-ever-before GCode Nutrition KING formula has returned, rendering your average infomercial test booster obsolete.

Long live the KING.

KING is finally back in stock. Get yours here, now, and feel the strength.