We created JUICE for a very specific purpose and with an express intent. To combine proven ingredients in an easily assimilated form into a formula that could be quickly and easily consumed immediately after intense training. JUICE was meant to be our ideal postworkout–something you could slam the moment you drop the weights on your last set, before your protein shake or whole food meal, to kickstart the anabolic (muscle building) process. I’ve been drinking 2 scoops of JUICE the moment my last set ends religiously for weeks now and I love it.

That said, lifters tend to all be research chemists in their own rights (myself included). Athletes are always looking for an elusive “edge”—a method or approach or secret recipe that no one else has tried or thought of, that will surely give them an edge on the competition. They think to themselves, “I know G said to drink JUICE immediately postworkout, but I wonder if he tried to stack it with x and y and use it at z time of day?” How do I know this? Because I thought it myself and I also have the texts, emails and DMs to confirm this impulse and affirm these suspicions.

After all, the key components of JUICE—creatine monohydrate, essential amino acids (EAA/BCAA), Carb10, electrolytes and antioxidants, most certainly do have versatile benefits in the “periworkout” window surrounding your workouts—pre, intra and obviously post.

So for the Victor Contes, Patrick Arnolds and Dan Duchaines-in-training out there (Google them if YDK) who don’t mind being their own performance-enhanced guinea pigs, I present a couple logical strategies for stacking JUICE with other GCode products around your workouts.

  • Preworkout: Mix 1 scoop of JUICE with 1-2 scoops of VICE or VICE X in 12 ounces of ice cold water and consume 10-15 minutes before training. Flavor combos of choice: Maui Wowi or Clockwork Orange VICE X or Pina Colada Crush or Peach Mango Madness VICE.
  • Intraworkout: Mix 1 scoop of JUICE with 1 scoop of RISE in 20 ounces of ice cold water and sip throughout your workout. Flavor combos of choice: Legend Lime Slushie or Code Orange RISE.
  • Postworkout: Mix 1 scoop of JUICE with 1 scoop of FUEL in 8 ounces of ice cold water and drink promptly postworkout. Flavor combos of choice: Uncle Sko’s favorite smoothie mixes JUICE with Slammin’ Strawberry Shortcake FUEL.

Internet intelligencia will swear on a stack of PubMed hyperlinks that nutrient timing is irrelevant and that the anabolic window is a marketing scam. However, anecdotal evidence and the life experience born of nearly three decades in the gym trenches suggests that approximately zero champion athletes believe this to be true. In fact, the exact opposite is often the case—the best in the world tend to be meticulous about what they take and when. With that irrefutable fact in mind, I’d always prefer to err on the side of excellence.

That’s why we created JUICE—to take the guess work out of the critical postworkout period. However, if you feel a scoop of JUICE could provide you with a performance boost at other junctures of your training day, who am I to argue? You’re probably right. Stack it up. And be sure to share your magical combo with your fam.